Setup Admin account

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Adds the Admin account for an existing G Suite Order.

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request

India[email protected]&password=password&first-name=abc&last-name=abc&name=abc&[email protected]&company=test&zip=0

South East Asia & Egypt[email protected]&password=password&first-name=abc&last-name=abc&name=abc&[email protected]&company=test&zip=0

Rest of the World[email protected]&password=password&first-name=abc&last-name=abc&name=abc&[email protected]&company=test&zip=0


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
order-id Integer Required The OrderId for which the Admin account is to be setup.
email-address String Required Email address for the Admin account
password String Required Password for the Admin account
first-name String Required First name for the Admin account
last-name String Required Last name for the Admin account
alternate-email-address String Required Alternate email address of the Customer
name String Required Name of the Customer
company String Required Company name of the Customer
zip String Required Zip code of the Customer
transfer-token String Optional Transfer token for the G Suite Order


  • A Transfer token is valid for 14 days.

  • If the Transfer token was passed in the Add API call, the same would be automatically used while setting up the Admin account.

  • This parameter can be used in case the Transfer token was not provided with the Add API call or if the token used earlier has expired.


Returns "Success" as the status of the response if the Admin Account is setup successfully.

In case of any error, an "error" key with error description (as value) will be returned.