Adds a miscellaneous Invoice against the specified Customer's Account.
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
order-id | Integer | Required | Order Id of Order against which Invoice is to be added |
customer-id | Integer | Required | Customer Id of Customer against whom Invoice is to be added |
selling-amount | Float | Required | Amount of Invoice in the Selling Currency of the Parent Reseller |
description | String | Required | Description of the Invoice |
invoice-date | Integer | Required | Date in epoch time format on which Invoice is to be added |
invoice-due-date | Integer | Optional | Date in epoch time format on which Invoice due date is to be set |
invoice-deletion-date | Integer | Optional | Date in epoch time format on which Invoice deletion date is to be set |
transaction-key | String | Required | Unique Transaction key |
accounting-amount | Float | Optional | Amount of Invoice in the Accounting Currency of the Parent Reseller. Required if Selling and Accounting Currencies of the Parent Reseller are different. |
conversion-rate | Float | Optional | Conversion rate between Selling and Accounting amounts. Required if Selling and Accounting Currencies of the Parent Reseller are different. |
payment-reminder-days | Integer | Optional | No of days in which Customer needs to be reminded about Invoice |
greedy | Boolean | Optional | Possible values are true or false. Pass true if you want the Invoice to be Greedy. |
Returns a Transaction Id (Integer) if the Invoice is added successfully against the specified Customer's Account.
In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.