Gets details of the Customers that match the Search criteria.
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
no-of-records | Integer | Required | Number of records to be fetched. This should be a value between 10 to 500. |
page-no | Integer | Required | Page number for which details are to be fetched |
customer-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Customer Id(s) |
reseller-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Reseller Id of sub-reseller(s) for whom Customer accounts need to be searched |
username | String | Optional | Username of Customer. Username should be an email address. |
name | String | Optional | Name of Customer |
company | String | Optional | Company name of Customer |
city | String | Optional | City |
state | String | Optional | State |
status | String | Optional | Status of Customer. Values can be Active, Suspended and Deleted. |
creation-date-start | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Customer accounts whose Creation Date is greater than creation-date-start |
creation-date-end | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Customer accounts whose Creation Date is less than creation-date-end |
total-receipt-start | Float | Optional | Total receipts of Customer which is greater than total-receipt-start |
total-receipt-end | Float | Optional | Total receipts of Customer which is less than total-receipt-end |
Returns a hash map containing the below details of the Customers that match the search criteria:
Number of Customers requested matching the search criteria (recsonpage)
Following details of each Customer:
Customer Id (customer.customerid)
Customer Username (customer.username)
Reseller Id of the Parent Reseller (customer.resellerid)
Name (
Company (
City (
State (customer.state)
Country Code (
Current Status (customer.customerstatus)
Total Receipts (customer.totalreceipts)
Number of Customers in the System matching the search criteria (recsindb)
In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.