While performing check availability for an Internationalized Domain Name, you need to provide the corresponding language code:
.ASIA IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Chinese - zh
Japanese - ja
Korean - ko
.BIZ IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Chinese - zh
Danish - da
Finnish - fi
German - de
Hungarian - hu
Icelandic - is
Japanese - jp
Korean - ko
Lithuanian - lt
Latvian - lv
Norwegian - no
Polish - pl
Portuguese - pt
Spanish - es
Swedish - sv
.CA IDN: The language code needs to be mentioned as fr.
.CO IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Chinese - zh
Danish - da
Finnish - fi
Icelandic - is
Japanese - jp
Korean - ko
Norwegian - no
Spanish - es
Swedish - sv
.COM / .NET IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. You can refer to the list of languages supported and the corresponding language code.
.DE IDN: The language code needs to be mentioned as de.
.ES IDN: The language code needs to be mentioned as es.
.EU IDN: The language code needs to be mentioned as latin.
.IN.NET IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Arabic - ara
Chinese - chi
Cyrillic - cyr
Greek - gre
Hebrew - heb
Japanese - jpn
Korean - kor
Lao - lao
Latin - lat
Thai - tha
.INFO IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Danish - da
German - de
Hungarian - hu
Icelandic - is
Korean - ko
Lithuanian - lt
Latvian - lv
Polish - pl
Spanish - es
Swedish - sv
.NAME IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. You can refer to the list of languages supported and the corresponding language code.
.ORG IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Chinese - zh-cn (for IDN.org domain name and .机构 domain name - the Chinese IDN for .org)
Cyrillic - ru (for .орг domain name - the Russian IDN for .org)
Danish - da
German - de
Hindi - hin-deva (for .संगठन domain name - the Hindi IDN for .org)
Hungarian - hu
Icelandic - is
Korean - ko
Latvian - lv
Lithuanian - lt
Polish - pl
Spanish - es
Swedish - sv
.PW IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Arabic - ara
Chinese - chi
Cyrillic - cyr
Greek - gre
Hebrew - heb
Japanese - jpn
Korean - kor
Lao - lao
Latin - lat
Thai - tha
.TEL IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Chinese - zh
Danish - da
Finnish - fi
French - fr
German - de
Hungarian - hu
Icelandic - is
Japanese - jp
Korean - ko
Latvian - lv
Lithuanian - lt
Norwegian - no
Polish - pl
Portuguese - pt
Russian - ru
Spanish - es
Swedish - sv
CentralNic IDN: The language code depends upon the language whose characters are used in the domain name. Supported languages and the corresponding language codes are:
Arabic - ara
Cyrillic - cyr
Greek - gre
Hebrew - heb
Latin - lat
.AE.ORG and .SA.COM:
Arabic - ara
Chinese - chi
Cyrillic - cyr
Greek - gre
Hebrew - heb
Japanese - jpn
Latin - lat
.在线 (Chinese IDN for .online): The language code needs to be mentioned as zh.
.中文网 (Chinese IDN for .network): The language code needs to be mentioned as zh.
.भारत (Hindi IDN for .BHARAT): The language code needs to be mentioned as hin-deva.