Modify Customer Profile

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Step 1: Log in to your control panel. Learn how

Step 2: Navigate to the customer profile.

Search for the customer name and click it to view the customer information.

Step 3: Modify the Details.

  • In the Primary Profile section, click theedit_icon  icon.customer-edit
  • Make the required changes and click MODIFY ACCOUNT.

You can edit the following details

i. Contact Details

You can modify the following details for your customer:

  • Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email
  • Password
  • Company Name
  • Address

ii. Account Password

  1. In the Primary Profile section, under Account Password click Change.
  2. Enter the new password and click SAVE.

Password length should be 9 to 16 characters and a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, special characters, and numbers.

iii. Support Pin

  1. In the Primary Profile section, under Support Pin click View/Change.
  2. To view the support pin click the view_icon icon.
  3. To change the support pin click theedit_icon icon, enter the new four digit pin and click SAVE.