Gets a list of Domain Registration Orders matching the search criteria, along with the details.
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
no-of-records | Integer | Required | Number of Orders to be fetched. This should be a value between 10 to 500. |
page-no | Integer | Required | Page number for which details are to be fetched |
order-by | Array of Strings | Optional |
One or more parameters by which you want to sort the Orders. Values can be orderid, customerid, endtime, timestamp, entitytypeid, creationtime or creationdt. Example: If page-no is 1, no-of-records is 30 and order-by is orderid; it will fetch the first 30 Orders which suit the search criteria sorted by orderid. If page-no is 2, no-of-records is 30 and order-by is order id; it will fetch the second batch of 30 Orders sorted by orderid. |
order-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Order Id(s) of the Domain Registration Order(s) whose details need to be fetched |
reseller-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Reseller Id(s) whose Orders need to be fetched |
customer-id | Array of Integers | Optional | Customer Id(s) whose Orders need to be fetched |
show-child-orders | Boolean | Optional | Whether Sub-Reseller Orders need to be fetched or not |
product-key | Array of Strings | Optional | Product keys of the TLDs |
status | Array of Strings | Optional |
Status of the Order, namely, InActive, Active, Suspended, Pending Delete Restorable, Deleted, Archived, Pending Verification or Failed Verification
Additional Information
domain-name | String | Optional | Name of the Domain |
privacy-enabled | String | Optional |
Privacy Protection status of the Order, namely, true, false or na
creation-date-start | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Domain Registration Orders whose Creation Date is greater than creation-date-start |
creation-date-end | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Domain Registration Orders whose Creation Date is less than creation-date-end |
expiry-date-start | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Domain Registration Orders whose Expiry Date is greater than expiry-date-start |
expiry-date-end | String | Optional | UNIX TimeStamp for listing of Domain Registration Orders whose Expiry Date is less than expiry-date-end |
Returns a hash map containing the below details of the Domain Registration Orders which match the search criteria:
Domain Name (entity.description)
Order Id (orders.orderid)
Customer Id (entity.customerid)
Order Addition Timestamp (orders.creationdt)
Order Creation (at the Registry) Timestamp (orders.creationtime)
Timestamp for the Last Modification Action on the Order (orders.timestamp)
Expiry (at the Registry) Timestamp (orders.endtime)
Current Order Status under the System (entity.currentstatus) - value will be InActive, Active, Suspended, Pending Delete Restorable, Deleted, Archived, Pending Verification or Failed Verification
Product Name (entitytype.entitytypename)
Product Key (entitytype.entitytypekey)
Reseller Lock Status (orders.resellerlock)
Customer Lock Status (orders.customerlock)
Transfer Lock Status (orders.transferlock)
Privacy Protection Status (orders.privacyprotection)