Using the DNS Service

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DNS service is provided free when you purchase a Domain Registration order through Demo RegistrarIn order to start using the DNS service, you need to :

i. Activate the DNS service.

ii. Change the name servers of your Domain Name to our name servers.

iii. Create the required records for your Domain Name.

Follow the steps mentioned below to start using your DNS service :

Step 1: Login to your Control Panel. Learn how.

Step 2: Navigate to the Order View.

Search the Domain Name for which you want to activate and use the DNS service.Search domain

Step 3: Setup your DNS service.

i. Activate the DNS service.

  • In the NAME SERVERS & DNS section, click DNS Records.dns records

The DNS Service will be activated when you click the DNS Records option for the first time.

ii. Change the name servers of your domain name to our name servers

  • In the NAME SERVERS & DNS section, click Name server
  • Here, you would find the list of Name Servers you need to set for your domain name, click the edit icon to change the Name Servers.Default name servers
  • Enter the name servers in the space provided, and click UPDATE NAME SERVERS to save the changes.update-nameserver

iii. Create various Resource Records for your domain name 

  • View information on various Resource Records supported by Demo Registrar for your domain name and learn how to create them, here.