Searches the Archived Actions based on the criteria specified.
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
eaq-id | Array of Integers | Optional | The Entity Action Queue Ids of the corresponding actions |
order-id | Array of Integers | Optional | The Order Ids for which you want to search actions |
entity-type-id | Array of Integers | Optional | The Entity Type Ids for which you want to search actions |
action-status | Array of Strings | Optional | The action statuses for which you want to search actions |
action-type | Array of Strings | Optional | The action types for which you want to search actions |
no-of-records | Integer | Required | Number of records to be returned |
page-no | Integer | Required | Page number for which records are required |
Returns a hash map of the Archived Actions containing the below details:
Order Id (entityid)
Entity Type Id (entitytypeid)
Entity Action Queue Id (eaqid)
Action Type (actiontype)
Description of the Action (actiontypedesc)
Timestamp when the Action was added (actionadded)
Timestamp when the Action started (actionstarted)
Timestamp when the Action got completed (actioncompleted)
Action Status (actionstatus)
Description of the Action Status (actionstatusdesc)
In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.