Gets the Reseller's Promo prices.
It is recommended you cache all pricing information to ensure you do not have to send API queries to the platform. As there are a huge number of products, the accompanying data may cause longer wait time than usual.
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
Returns a hash map containing the below details:
Reseller Id (resellerid)
Product Key (productkey)
Promo Start Time (starttime)
Promo End Time (endtime)
Promo Period (period)
Discounted Price (resellerpriceone)
Standard Price (resellerpricetwo)
Customer Price (customerprice)
Barrrier Price (barrierprice)
Price Applicable to the Sub-Reseller (resellerprice)
Currency Symbol of the Price Applicable to the Sub-Reseller (resellerpricecurrencysymbol)
Type of Action the Promo is Applicable for (actiontype)
Selling Currency of the Registration Service Provider (serviceprovidersellingcurrency)
Promo Status (isactive)
Whether the Promo can be trickled down the Sub-Reseller chain (istrickleallow)
In case of any errors, a status key with value as ERROR alongwith an error message will be returned.