Customizing the Customer Panel URL

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Step 1: Log in to your panel.Learn How

Step 2:Navigate to PRO-SUITE.

In the side navigation bar click

Step 3:Changing the URL prefix.

  1. On the PRO-SUITE page, click BRANDING.Branding
  2. Scroll to the YOUR CUSTOMER PANEL URL section, and click Change the prefix of this URL.Change URL
  3. Enter the URL prefix you want and click SAVE URL.Save Changes
Getting an Error?

In case this prefix is not available, you will encounter an error message:

Sorry, this prefix is already taken. Try another one

You will have to select another prefix.

  • Even after your Partially Branded prefix is changed, the old prefix cannot be used by anyone else except you for a period of 30 days. After 30 days, the prefix will be deleted and will become available for anyone to utilize.
  • If upon changing your prefix, you wish to revert to the same (within this 30 day period), you may do so by following the process above.