Searches users based on the search criteria.
HTTP Method
Example Test URL Request
Name | Data Type | Required / Optional | Description |
auth-userid | Integer | Required | Authentication Parameter |
api-key | String | Required | Authentication Parameter |
order-id | Integer | Required | Order ID of the Domain Registration, Email Hosting, Legacy Web Hosting, Website Builder, Enterprise Email Order |
String | Optional | Email address of user | |
email-pattern | String | Optional | Regex pattern of email address |
statuses | String | Optional | Status of email account. Values can be: active, suspended and pending_activation. |
account-types | String | Optional | Type of email account. Values can be: pop_with_autoresponder, pop_with_auto_responder and forward_only. |
over-quota | Boolean | Optional | Values can be: true or false. |
page-no | Integer | Optional | Default value is 1. Each page contains max 200 records. E.g. Pass 2 as value if you want to fetch 201-400 records. |
Returns the details of the users matching the specified search criteria.