Email Powerbar

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Email Powerbar is a quick and easy way to manage the email accounts in your Business Email or Enterprise Email packages from the order information card.Powerbar

Options on the Email Powerbar

Configured Email Accounts

Get a list of email accounts configured for your packages. The number gives you an idea of the number of accounts available for you to configure.

Create Email

Add a new email account in 4 simple steps.

The alternate email address will receive the login details and the configuration settings.

Reset Password

You can reset the password for an email account in one click. The user will also receive an email with the new password on their alternate email address.

Delete Account

You can delete any unused accounts to use them for creating any new accounts or you can leave them for the future.


Click Go To Admin Panel on the order information card to access the email admin panel and change any account information or to manage mailing lists.