Understanding .RU domain name Contacts
A .RU domain name has only 1 Contact - Registrant. The Registrant Contact represents the owner of the domain name.
NoteThere are no Administrative, Technical and Billing Contacts for .RU domain names.
The Whois lookup of a .RU domain name displays the owner as admin-contact.
General Contacts used for other domain name extensions (TLDs) can not be used for a .RU domain name. A .RU domain name has a separate Contacts database.
To Modify Phone, FAX, Email Address Details associated with a .RU domain name
Log in to your control panel. Learn how.
Search for the domain name and proceed to the Order View.
Click the Edit icon in the Contact Details section.
The current Registrant Contact will be displayed. You may modify the Phone, FAX, Email Address Contact information for the domain name by specifying it in the text boxes.
NoteThe update will be applied to all the domain names using this particular Registrant Contact.
Click Save Contact Details.
To Modify Name, Address, Organization and Other Details associated with a .RU domain name
Contact our Support Team at [email protected] and provide us the following details, so that we may create a new NIC-D handle for you:
For Organization: Indicate if the new Contact should be of the type Organization. Additionally, provide us with the following details to create the new Contact:
Zip Code
Phone Number with Country dialing code
Fax Number with Country dialing code (optional)
Legal Address: This needs to include a minimum of 2 words. This indicates the place of incorporation, including Country of incorporation of the Organization.
New York, U.S.A.
Taxpayer Identification Number (code): This is a 10 digit number and is mandatory for Organizations incorporated in Russia.
Territory-linked Taxpayer Number (kpp): This is the Territory-linked Taxpayer number. This is a 9 digit number and is mandatory for Organizations incorporated in Russia.
Full Company Name: This is the legally registered company name, as mentioned in the Company Formation documents.
For Individual: Indicate if the new Contact should be of the type Individual. Additionally, provide us with the following details to create the new Contact:
Organization (optional)
Zip Code
Phone Number with Country dialing code
Fax Number with Country dialing code (optional)
Registrant's Name (preferably in Russian)
Passport Information (Document number, Issued by, Issued Date)
Birth Date (numeric DD.MM.YYYY)
After obtaining the new NIC-D from Demo Registrar, you need to submit the following documents along with the NIC-REG :
For Organization: If your new NIC-D Contact Type is Organization, then you need to completely fill and submit a document to Registrar RU-Center via FAX to +7 (495) 737-0602.
List of documents required for an organization can be viewed here.Additional Information -
For Individual: If your new NIC-D Contact Type is Individual, then you need to completely fill and submit a document to Registrar RU-Center via FAX to +7 (495) 737-0602.
List of documents required for an individual can be viewed here.Additional Information
Apart from the documents stated above, you need to also send the following documents to Registrar RU-Center: