Creating an Account on WHM

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You need to create a package to WHM before creating a new account in WHM. If you already have created a package, follow these steps to add an Account. 

Step 1: Login to WHM panel. Learn How.

Step 2: Creating an Account.

Add Account WHM

  1. On the WHM home page, click Account Functions. 
  2. Then click Create a New Account.
  3. Enter your customer's Domain name, Username, Password and Email address in their respective fields.


    Make sure to choose a strong password. You can use the Password Generator tool to generate a random password.

  4. Choose a Package from the drop-down list. The packages you created will be available in this list. If you do not see any packages, see Creating Packages to add packages to your account.
  5. You can customize the settings or leave them unchanged to their default values.
  6. Click Create.

You may verify the account creation by clicking List Accounts under the Account Information section on the navigation to your left.List Accounts