
If the reseller is selling Web Hosting



Places a Web Services Order for the specified domain name. An Order can be either Email only or Website Builder.


Name Data Type Required / Optional Description
auth-userid Integer Required Authentication Parameter
api-key String Required Authentication Parameter
domain-name String Required The domain name for which the Order is placed.
customer-id Integer Required The Customer under whom the Order should be added.
months Integer Required The number of months for which the Order is placed.
plan-id Integer Required The Plan under which the Order should be added. To fetch the Plan details i.e. plan-id etc., use this method.

The Plan category can be websitebuilder_plan or email_plan. An exception will be thrown if the Plan category is linux_hosting_plan or windows_hosting_plan.

enable-ssl Boolean Optional Values can be: true or false (default). To learn more, click here.
auto-renew Boolean Required

Enables / Disables the Auto Renewal setting for the Order.

invoice-option String Required This parameter will decide how the Customer Invoices will be handled. Values can be: NoInvoice, PayInvoice, KeepInvoice, OnlyAdd

HTTP Method


Example Test URL Request


Returns a map with the execution details of the Order addition.

Email, Legacy Web Hosting and Website Builder

Web Services Plans provide you with methods to add, renew, upgrade/modify, suspend, delete and get the details and the pricing for the Website Builder plans.


The Legacy Linux, Windows Hosting Products and Email only plans offered by have been deprecated w.e.f. April 16, 2013 and Feb 2, 2015 respectively. You may only renew, suspend, delete, get the details and the pricing for these Products Plans.