
Reseller should be signed up for one of the Geo Products under SDH Windows or SDH Linux

Directory and File Structure - Windows cmu5 Thu, 09/04/2014 - 18:36

Directory/Folder Structure

From amongst the several directories found within your Plesk account, only the following are important:

Directory Contents

Contains all files that are part of the website. Any file and folder inside this directory is visible over the Internet unless you password
protect it.


When visitors come to your site and request pages that the web server cannot find, the web server generates and displays a standard HTML page with an error message. The standard error
messages may inform of problems but they do not usually say how to resolve them. You may want to create your own error pages and upload them in this

File Structure

's Plesk hosting servers will check for the existence of one of the below files and based on the order specified below, display it's
content as the home page, when anyone tries to list the content of any folder/directory:

  1. index.html

  2. index.htm

  3. index.cfm

  4. index.shtml

  5. index.shtm

  6. index.stm

  7. index.php

  8. index.php3

  9. index.asp

  10. index.aspx

  11. default.htm

  12. default.asp

  13. default.aspx


If you were to upload a file index.html within the httpdocs folder of your website, then when someone tries to reach either or, then he/she would be automatically displayed the contents of the index.html file. This happens since our server treats the index.html as the
home page or default page for this directory.

Similarly, if you were to upload an index.html file within the /httpdocs/plants folder, then when someone types or, then he/she
would be automatically displayed the contents of the index.html file within the plants folder.

Now, if you were to upload two or more files from amongst the list given above, then the one mentioned higher in the order would be considered as the home page. So in the event that there exists an index.php
and default.htm file within the same folder, then the index.php file will get considered as the home page.

Directory and File Structure - Linux cmu5 Thu, 09/04/2014 - 18:32

Directory/Folder Structure

From amongst the several directories found within your cPanel account, only the following are important:

Directory Contents
/public_html contains all files that are part of the website. Any file and folder inside this directory is visible over the Internet unless you password protect
it. See details
/www is simply a link to the public_html directory.

File Structure

's cPanel hosting servers will check for the existence of one of the below files and based on the order specified below,
display it's content as the Home Page, when anyone tries to list the content of any folder/directory:

  1. index.html

  2. index.htm

  3. index.php

  4. index.php3

  5. index.php4

  6. index.shtml

  7. default.html

  8. default.htm

  9. default.php

  10. home.html

  11. home.htm

  12. home.php





  • If you were to upload a file index.html within the public_html folder of your website, then when someone tries to reach either or, then they would be automatically displayed the content of the index.html file. This happens since our server treats the index.html as the home page or default page for this directory.

  • Similarly, if you were to upload an index.html file within the /public_html/plants folder, then when someone types or,
    then they would be automatically displayed the content of the index.html file within the plants folder.

  • Now, if you were to upload two or more files from amongst the list given above, then the one mentioned higher in the order would be considered as the home page. So in the event that there
    exists an index.php and default.html file within the same folder, then the index.php file will get considered as the home page.

Locating the Name Servers or DNS Records to Use cmu5 Thu, 09/04/2014 - 18:30
  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Order and go to the
    Order Information view. See details

  2. Click the Name Server Details link.

  3. Here, you would find the list of Name Servers you need to set for your domain
    name. See details

    Alternatively, if you wish to retain the Name Servers of your domain name instead of using 's Name Servers, you would
    need to add the DNS Records listed on this page, on your existing Name Servers.